Friday, January 15, 2010

A Night at the Movies

It's Movie Night at my household!
This Sunday, my lovely daughter is having a slumber party. There will only be 4 girls, though. We're having it at a hotel for a change.

I was so excited about my new projector that I bought that I decided to have a couple of her friends over to watch movies on it. So what I am doing is showing UP and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and whatever else they want to watch. I figured why not turn it into a night at the movies? So it turned into a slumber party.

The girls will bring their tickets and bucks with them (I made some cute ticket holder pouches - they look like the pouches that hold airline tickets - to put everything in). I have a little (fake) handheld "scanner" that I'm going to use to check them into the theater. Then they'll be able to go to the "concession stand" and get their snacks.

I also went to Target to get things for their little goodie/gift bags. THIS is the perfect time of year to go and get things for little girls. I literally cleaned up there. They had tons of stuff for Valentine's Day and all these little cute journals and diaries and pencils and candy necklaces and ring pops and just tons of stuff that fit perfectly in these cute little boxes they have to put valentines in. I couldn't have gone to find a more perfect set for my girls!

They also had the popcorn containers (the red and white striped ones that say "Popcorn" on them). I had to have them for this night.

I think for this one, once again, I'M the excited one. My daughter is ready to have a blast with her friends and I'm looking forward to it, too.

After the movies, we're going to play group games and cards and board games.

I can't wait!!!